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Happiness is........

मैं पैदल घर आ रहा था । रास्ते में एक बिजली के खंभे पर एक कागज लगा हुआ था । पास जाकर देखा, लिखा था:  कृपया पढ़ें "इस रास्ते पर मैंने कल एक 50 का नोट गंवा दिया है । मुझे ठीक से दिखाई नहीं देता । जिसे भी मिले कृपया इस पते पर दे सकते हैं ।" ... यह पढ़कर पता नहीं क्यों उस पते पर जाने की इच्छा हुई । पता याद रखा । यह उस गली के आखिरी में एक घऱ था । वहाँ जाकर आवाज लगाया तो एक वृद्धा लाठी के सहारे धीरे-धीरे बाहर आई । मुझे मालूम हुआ कि वह अकेली रहती है । उसे ठीक से दिखाई नहीं देता । "माँ जी", मैंने कहा - "आपका खोया हुआ 50 मुझे मिला है उसे देने आया हूँ ।" यह सुन वह वृद्धा रोने लगी । "बेटा, अभी तक करीब 50-60 व्यक्ति मुझे 50-50 दे चुके हैं । मै पढ़ी-लिखी नहीं हूँ, । ठीक से दिखाई नहीं देता । पता नहीं कौन मेरी इस हालत को देख मेरी मदद करने के उद्देश्य से लिख गया है ।" बहुत ही कहने पर माँ जी ने पैसे तो रख लिए । पर एक विनती की - ' बेटा, वह मैंने नहीं लिखा है । किसी ने मुझ पर तरस खाकर लिखा होगा । जाते-जाते उसे फाड़कर फेंक देना बेटा ।'मैनें हाँ...
Don't worry, If you are sad Just smile ,you look beautiful ..When you smile.. yes,you my dear Reader ! Stay smiling ,take the pain as a gift and just win....


something is better then nothing  some one told me about that thing and this is perfect When it comes to pursuing our goals, finding a deeper sense of purpose, or mastering a skill, doing something and taking some action is always better than doing nothing.... ... When it comes to pursuing our goals, finding a deeper sense of purpose, or mastering a skill, doing something and taking some action is always better than doing nothing.... ... It’s easy to idealize an all or nothing mindset, when something is usually better than nothing. When it comes to pursuing our goals, finding a deeper sense of purpose, or mastering a skill, doing something and taking some action is always better than doing nothing....
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
If you want to win then you have to watch any smallest as small . issue and mind it, and asap solve it . neither it become most relevant problem, that's it.
Man . Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.

Luck vs sucess

Luck plays a huge role in any goal in life. But so does hard work. Events are unpredictable. It is hard to see what’s coming next. This is why it is said “you need to take big risks to get big returns” , because you need to be lucky for the big risks to pay off, and if you’re not lucky, then you won’t see the bigger rewards. BUT! The harder you work, the more opportunities you will find and paths that were previously shut off will be open and ready for exploring. This means there is a higher chance of “lucky” stuff happening to you.


So hello guy's A very good morning to all  today i will  discuss about my thought's  that is  if you want to do something then  create your own way and  do hard and after some time you must be got success  you must be got positive result  I'm also a common person  i don't have any experience about job but  when i joined paytm company then i know about how to live life  how to earn money  how to struggle for grabbing the opportunity soooo live life like a legend   

New day

always be  prepared for new opportunity pata nhi kab kuch naya ho jaay tmhari life m


success is everyone's mission what is success - success means struggle to grab the opportunity won the task overcome the challenges. in my way if u want to become success then work hard and won the task

my thought's

When talking, try to use positive words only.  If you keep on telling yourself “I can’t” then you might persuade yourself that this is the truth. Try to tell yourself “I will do my best” instead.